Prepare For Your Video Banking With These Three Tips

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If you need to meet with a financial professional but struggle to set an in-person appointment due to time limitations or geographical restrictions, an alternative is to schedule a video banking session. Video banking enables you to conduct your meeting virtually from a branch or office that's more convenient for you to go to. Follow these three tips to ensure you're prepared for your video banking session.

1. Make a List of Topics or Issues You Want to Address

One of the best things you can do to prepare for any meeting, including a video banking session, is to make a list of the questions you have or the concerns you want to address. Your questions will vary depending on the underlying reason for your meeting; however, here are a few generic questions that may apply to your session:

  • Are there any fees for this account or product?
  • What are the requirements to qualify for this loan or account?
  • What's the risk level for this investment?
  • What options best fit your financial situation and personal goals?

2. Craft a Plan for Retaining the Info from Your Video Banking Session

Now that you know what you want to cover or accomplish during your video meeting, you want to make sure you remember what's said and covered during the session. One option is to ask the financial institution if it can record the video banking meeting and provide you with a written transcript. 

Another alternative is to record the meeting or portions of the session using your cell phone. Then, you can go back and listen to the audio snippets for clarification as needed. Make sure to obtain permission from the individual you're meeting with before going this route.

Or, prepare to take notes using pen and paper. A potential issue for this method is that you may struggle to listen and make comments. Just tell the individual you're meeting with if you need a few minutes to make written notes or comments. 

3. Bring Your ID and Necessary Documents

Depending on the nature of your meeting, you may need to bring your picture ID and specific documents. Ask before the meeting what you need to bring with you. For example, if you're meeting to discuss potential investment options to aid with your retirement savings, bring the statements for any existing accounts and your ID.

The statements will help your financial planner see what kind of returns and products you're currently using, and if you choose to open a new account, you'll need your ID for identity verification. 

To learn more, contact a company that offers video banking solutions.

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All About the Benjamins: A Finance Blog Unfortunately, personal finance is not a subject that is widely taught in schools. And yet, to be a functioning adult in society, you need to know the basics about earning money, saving money, taking out loans, paying interest, and so forth. Money makes the world go 'round, and you won't get very far in the world without a basic money education. There are many ways to learn more about money, from reading books to visiting a personal financial advisor. You can start by reading some of the articles on this blog, which address a wide range of financial topics for people in every situation.
